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I'm in Julia! I posted already today but in the spirit of blogging camaraderie, I'll try to do something more interesting than "My whole wheat bagel and Me" tomorrow...hehe
Left behind knitters UNITE!!


I'm in!


Darling, my pedicure is bright red and features white flowers with sprakly "jewels" on my big toes. Because summer is for Tacky Toes!


I'll do my best! I have knitting group tonight, so I should be able to come up with something.
Have also been trying to gather my thoughts (and some time) to respond to your vegan knitting post. Lots to think about.


I'm in too! Although I'm sure that it will be quite the dull, boring entry. Good idea. :)


Count me in, too! I'll be home all weekend (after getting coffee Saturday morning). We're starting to empty the kitchen and bathroom cabinets this weekend, in preparation of next week's refacing. (Fun, fun! I mean, compared to wool-acquisition, really, is there any contest?) Um, well, yeah, but . . . Not Bitter!


I'm in! My pedicure is Surgical Special, my garden is glorious, and I will rise to your challenge.


I'm in! I'll get caught up posting some pics. Great idea.

Like a mini festival.


I'm in! We can party without them. (Bitter? Not me.)


This sounds like fun. I guess I better do more than shop at Kroger.


I'm totally there dude.

btw- I must point out again (cause I already did in the comment section of Mason/Dixon) that you said "Far Out" in your comment to Kay's post. This is an excellent phrase that is never used! It has worked its way into my vocab today and it never fails to bring a smile!


Fab ! A party.Far out. ;-]


count me in!! I've already been taking pics in preparation for the big weekend post!


So, I guess if I post from Maryland on Saturday, that wouldn't be in this spirit??


BTW, it is lovely here.


A party! I remember the days when I held blog parties. I'm in, if not for Saturday, definitely on Sunday. Housebound bloggers rule!


I'm ready to paaarrrrt-A!!!
Drop on my place for croissants and coffee in bed. ;-)


YEAH! Great minds think alike! Or at least desperate one!
I'm in. I'm posting. Often.
Raising right hand:
I promise not to let bloglines dry up. Although it has.


Sounds like a plan. I've decided to dedicate my weekend blogging to good ole Mom. She deserves a day or two of attention, don't you think? And, she's got some great non-knitting FO's I can show off for her.

Lee Ann

I posted yesterday--does that count? ;-) Today, my kid has dance class while I work my butt off writing for my job's deadline...but I'll eat a croissant in front of my computer in Margene's honour...oh, whoops, that's not exactly Saturday spirit...well, I still want to party with les blogeuses like the rent is $19.99... :-)

Pastis will be served on the balcony's SUNNY for once! Maybe I will post later today after all :-) Cheers, fellow homebounders!


hi. stalking. i'll try to post something. but i'm so depressed about not going to MSWF that it'll be tough.


This sounds suspiciously like Pajama Day. I am not quite housebound, but will run errands first, then join the partay while I go through my stash this afternoon. Bitter? Ha! I leave for Rome on Tuesday.


Far out! I'm in. Kay's already slothed up an entry . . .


Yay! Our own anti-festival-2000-miles-away-that-i-really-want-to-go-to-someday day!


I'm in. I did post today.
I will also spend sometime knitting my Clapotis.


Homebound and loving it! Got my entry in today too.

Thanks for the smile,

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