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I LOVE those socks! I'm such a dork when it comes to color knitting/intarsia/fair isle type stuff but those almost (almost) make me wish I could.


That sock is positively gorgeous!!! Grrr, they just made it on my to-knit list.


I cannot stand how much I love those.

Also, best mom with the torture and the ultimate reward. LOVE.


Those look great - please bring them tonight so I can properly ooh and ahh over them!


They are so cute, I want to eat them! Well, not really, but the really are great.


I love the colors you picked...I can't wait to start knitting a pair! I can see why DMC is "jonesing" for them. (what a gloriously bad and good pun!)


I gotta make me some of those!

Lee Ann

That does it. I've been assimilated.


i love them.


Those are fabulous! They are also making mine look quite sad in comparison...I love the black background and white Jolly Roger. I am definitely going to have to do a second pair.


*lol* Those are too funny! I must be sure never to show them to my son, he's sure to ask for a pair and until he learns to take better care of his things, he's not getting hand knit socks (at least not something that complicated).


Love the socks - SO cool :o)


Oh,you sooooo rock Julia! Love...those...socks!!!!!!


Ah jeez. I should know better by now than to declare "I will never knit [fill in the blank]." Really, it's the description of the fiddliness and the march of the yarn across rows that tells my brain, "it's worth it. cutest skull & crossbones ever. you can do it. why not???" etc. dumb brain.


It's so much fun "watching" you knit these argyle socks! Bet it's even more fun to knit some...and no - you're not a masochist you just love a challenge.

BTW - would you post what yarns you are using for each pair? Sorry if you've already done this and I've missed it...


Love 'em. Must have 'em. When I get home.


Those are great. I must search the stash for appropriate yarn. I need to wear them on the next "Talk Like a Pirate" day.

Crap! I just looked it up, it's September 19th!


As soon as the superwash merino roving I ordered gets here, I am going to dye and spin the yarn to make those. I just have to decide which colours to use. And if I should give them to my dad or keep them for me. So far, I haven't been able to part with any socks made from handspun.


They really do look great. Now I'm sort of regretting my decision to "go straight."

kathy in juneau

Fantastic! I think your Aaaaarrgyles may be the new Jaywalkers..

Beth S.

Oh, the mother points you are going to earn... :-)


I love bare naked honesty. (More google searches)


watching you do this is indeed FUN.


Oh, I am In Love with those. Divine!


While not a huge fan of the whole argyle kitting thing, these are very cute. I love how those are turning out. The colors are great.

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