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Catherine Harrison

I just finished my Icarus, you should make it!


I am totally making Icarus next. Love that shawl. Did you venture up north today?


I am so friggin' lucky to have miriam in my SnB...She's been a big help when I truely fucked up the feathers.
(yes I am bragging)


Oh, yeah, and she's changed her blog address


Funny you should mention the 'background color' diamonds being a different size. Just noticed that myself after charting... twice. I'm glad you said someting. I was about to give up! I needed a 52 stitch sock based on my swatch. (yes, I finally swatched something) My first try gave me a 60 stitch sock. I've posted both the charts to my website if anyone needs that size. The skulls are exactly the same size on both. I got lazy after all that math. LOL! I really, really want 2 rows of skulls, but that would make the leg so long, I'm worried it won't fit my anckly AND my calf that far up. Help!


Dude, you're obsessed with pirates and argyles. You know this, though, right? mwah

The Purloined Letter

Icarus is an amazing pattern. I just finished mine and LOVE it. Here ( the shawl is pictured as a moth....

Icarus is almost as addictive as ARRGYLES!!

Beth S.

I love this version of the pirate argyle, too. Especially the way the diagonals flow out of the crossbones. Very srtistic, that. :-)


YOu are an argyle goddess. I am properly awed!



Love those pirate arrrgyles. I will get roung to knitting them sometime. Mean time I actually cast on Icarus on the beach this afternoon (not bragging honest):-)


I'm absolutely fascinated by your arrrgyles and the fact that they're knitted flat. I mean, it was only a couple years ago that I was fascinated by the fact that regular socks are knitted in the round on teeny tiny needles, so to discover flat sock... wow!!!


Ouch. Poor thing.

BTW, also working on Icarus here, and it's lovely. I highly recommend it. Adamas is up next for me, I think, but don't quote me.

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