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I'll be there this year for the first time. Yay!

Divine Bird Jenny

I'll be there! (Of course I will, I'm teaching!) And I'll have my new (to me) yellow Paradis with me! :D


Waahhh, I wish I could go :0(

Lynn in Tucson

That looks divine. It will be a couple months before we're spinning outdoors again!


Still pouting about having to miss it. We must start scheduling our family vacations a tad earlier in the summer.

kim in oregon

Hey Julia...I just got home from Sock Summit and the highlight of my visit to the Sock Museum was guess what? Your arrrgyles! I saw them from a mile away and said to my SIL "I know the person who did those!" And then I had to explain that while we never had met blah blah blah.

Anyway. Just wanted to know your socks rated a squeal in Portland.

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