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Katie K

Great job, lovely sweater! What is particularly nifty about it is that the light green on top is optically close to the pointillism of the darker green and white below.

To my mind, whoever created that color chart cheated a little and added orange and then green to the yellow so it's not a true tonal progression. Color is one place where I really prefer to trust my instincts. Where I find people tend to get lost is when they combine primary colors with pastels.


But eggplant IS an autumn color. ;)


Julia -

The newest HIRO is BEAUTIFUL ! STUNNING ! AWESOME ! I just wish you had posted it BEFORE I started mine and got the colors for my version ... I would have 'imitated' out of respect and admiration for your superior ability to combine the right colors - which always result in a work that reflects balance and the genius that is your gift to the knitting world. Thanks for sharinng !


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